Hawfinch - Coccothraustes Coccothraustes
Among the finches, the Hawfinch, is one of the most impressive. Even in this species as in the Cruises, the beak is the master, massive and with a great strength that can release more than 50 kg of pressure. The male differs from the female from more intense and marked colors and a more extensive facial black.
Habitat: lives in most of Europe, Asia and North Africa. Hawfinch mainly populates deciduous forests, and the presence of permanent water sources is essential.
Feeding: the beak allows him to easily feed seeds from a very hard shell, such as cherries, spaccasassi and pine nuts, in addition to this they also love berries like hawthorn, rose hip or rowan or pyracantha.
Habitat: lives in most of Europe, Asia and North Africa. Hawfinch mainly populates deciduous forests, and the presence of permanent water sources is essential.
Feeding: the beak allows him to easily feed seeds from a very hard shell, such as cherries, spaccasassi and pine nuts, in addition to this they also love berries like hawthorn, rose hip or rowan or pyracantha.
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