hobbynaturaornitologia en p776776-northern-cardinal-cardinalis-cardinalis 0010
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American Birds

Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis Cardinalis

Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis Cardinalis

The Northern Cardinal is a 25 cm cardinalid, with a large head surmounted by a characteristic erectile crest and long rectangular tail. The sexual dimorphism is evident: the adult male is of a characteristic uniform carmine red on the whole body, which becomes less vivid on the back and on the wings, with a black mask around the eyes and beak, the female is instead gray-brownish , with red or pink shades on wings, ridge and tail with a lighter colored mask than the male. The red color of the plumage is obtained starting from the carotenoids present in the diet .

Habitat: widespread in North and Central America, particularly in the western area, preferably lives in bushy areas, but it can be found in marshy areas as in semi-desert areas.

Feeding: it is an essentially granivorous animal, the diet is based on grass seeds, grains, berries and fruit. In the reproductive period it can also feed on small insects and invertebrates.
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p776776-northern-cardinal-cardinalis-cardinalis 014
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