hobbynaturaornitologia en p764327-enzy-complex-lactic-ferments-for-birds 0010
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p764327-enzy-complex-lactic-ferments-for-birds 003
Pineta zootecnici

Enzy Complex Lactic ferments for birds

Enzy Complex Lactic ferments for birds

Lactic ferments Enzy Complex Pineta, with probiotic action and fructooligosaccharides with prebiotic action for the balance of the intestinal bacterial flora

ENZYCOMPLEX is a food supplement where the synergistic action of probiotics and prebiotics is used to maintain and rebalance the intestinal bacterial flora. Enzycomplex promotes and improves the colonization and survival of the microflora with the effect of obtaining a general improvement in health. To obtain a constant balance of the intestinal bacterial flora it is important to use the product continuously

Ingredients: Cereal products and by-products, sugars, fructooligosaccharides, citric acid, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium brevis, Bifidumbacterium infantis, Bifidumbacterium longum.

How to use:
  • mixed thoroughly with feed or dissolved in drinking water.
  • 10g per liter of water or per kg. of feed.
  • maintenance 2 days a week

Packaging: 40 g jar
€ 4,20
Availability: 24

Available formats

  • 40 gr
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available birds
hobbynaturaornitologia en p764327-enzy-complex-lactic-ferments-for-birds 014
hobbynaturaornitologia en p764327-enzy-complex-lactic-ferments-for-birds 015
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