hobbynaturaornitologia en p764428-nekton-e-vitamin-for-reproduction-and-singing-of-birds 0010
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p764428-nekton-e-vitamin-for-reproduction-and-singing-of-birds 003

Nekton E vitamin for reproduction and singing of birds

Nekton E vitamin for reproduction and singing of birds

Nekton-E helps protect the cell membrane and decontaminate metabolites, hormone production and muscle functions, and above all improves the fertility of the animals, the survival rate of embryos and the vitality of the chicks.

Nekton-E also promotes the entire cellular metabolism, the production of antibodies and the increase of the body's immune defenses. Nekton-E integrates the minimum content of vitamin E present in food and meets the needs of animals with these nutrients which are very important for the body.

Indications: Nekton-E is soluble in water and is administered daily in drinking water, or mixed with soft foods (pastoncini and / or germinated seeds). Ideal in combination with NEKTON-S and NEKTON-MSA.

Composition: Dextrose, silicic acid.

How to use : 1 g (1 level scoop) of NEKTON-E in 250 ml of water or in 100 g of food.
It should be used as a treatment course starting at least three weeks before mating and stopped shortly after the first egg is laid.

Packaging: jar of 70 gr, 140 gr, 320 gr
€ 16,00
Availability: 7

Available formats

  • 140 gr
  • 320 gr
  • 70 gr
Insert quantity
available birds
hobbynaturaornitologia en p764428-nekton-e-vitamin-for-reproduction-and-singing-of-birds 014
hobbynaturaornitologia en p764428-nekton-e-vitamin-for-reproduction-and-singing-of-birds 015
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