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Dr. Coutteel

MYCOSOL therapeutic essential oils for birds

MYCOSOL therapeutic essential oils for birds

MYCOSOL contains a selection of aromatic herbs and essential oils that have a positive impact on health, including Oregano Vulgaris and some thymic chemotypes, very effective against many disorders such as asthenia. Aromatic plants are metabolites of species of major plants that convert their energy using photons taken and converted by the sun through an enzymatic process. Essential oils are volatile oils of complex composition, distilled from plants. All their components are generated by hundreds of chemical connections, different and unique at the same time. They contribute specifically to the therapeutic yield of the oil.

  • Strengthen health conditions in a natural way
  • Support the immune system
  • Keep the natural balance of intestinal flora
  • Obtain an emollient effect on the respiratory tract
  • Ensure support during healing
  • Warmly recommended in farms free from antibiotic use

Dosage: in solid food 10 ml / 1 kg of food
in water 5 ml / 1 liter of water

What is presented:
Liquid, in 250ml and 500ml bottles
Containers with double dispenser and measuring cup in ml
€ 20,00
Availability: 9

Available formats

  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
Insert quantity
available birds
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SHOPVia Losanna, 40 Miramare
Tel. +39 0541 648753
WhatsApp +39 351 5363457
AVIARYStreet Cagnina, 1 Riccione (RN)
Tel. +39 335/5873373
Credits TITANKA! Spa