hobbynaturaornitologia en p1078149-echina-fertiplus-for-pre-and-post-reproductive-phases 0010
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p1078149-echina-fertiplus-for-pre-and-post-reproductive-phases 003
Unica Mangimi

Echina Fertiplus for pre- and post-reproductive phases

Echina Fertiplus for pre- and post-reproductive phases

Echina Fertiplus from UNICA thanks to its multicomplex formula acts on several important metabolic factors in the pre and post reproductive phases. It prepares subjects for the spring hormonal change in the best possible way, supports the immune system, contains female phytoestrogens, promotes a correct and constant flow of testosterone into the blood, keeps the elements necessary for the body for greater egg production stable and more bioavailable (27% in more in experimentation on laying hens). It also favors a fast recovery between one deposition and the next, increases the transport of mother-egg carotenoids, saturating the tissues of the new born, with a better final result of post-moult coloring in all color factors (no whites). Chelates heavy metals by eliminating them with feces. Decreases ammonia production by 25% (research data). It reconstitutes the breeding stock for the following season.

Ingredients: Pregel bittreated wheat starch, Echinacea purpurea, E. Angustifoglia root and leaves, single-celled chlorella algae (European prod.), Concentrated pea proteins, golds and parts of them, blend of certified herbal officinal herbs, minerals
microelements, vitamins and provitamins, calcium, vitamin E, vitamin C, xanthophylls and oxycarotenoids (microquantities expressed in micrograms), purified milk thistle extract.

Instructions for use : Pre-Cove 20gr / kg on a daily ration. Reproduction 30gr / kg April / August.

Format: 200 gr.
€ 24,50
Availability: 0

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  • 200 gr
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p1078149-echina-fertiplus-for-pre-and-post-reproductive-phases 014
hobbynaturaornitologia en p1078149-echina-fertiplus-for-pre-and-post-reproductive-phases 015
hobbynaturaornitologia en p1078149-echina-fertiplus-for-pre-and-post-reproductive-phases 016
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