hobbynaturaornitologia en p1132586-a-p-40-protein-concentrate-for-pullus 0010
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p1132586-a-p-40-protein-concentrate-for-pullus 003
Unica Mangimi

A.P.40 - protein concentrate for pullus

A.P.40 - protein concentrate for pullus

AP40 from UNICA is a source of proteins and amino acids with high biological value, ideal for enriching baby food, animal feed, mashes, pate', omelettes, polenta, etc.
Its particular formulation and fragmented protein bonds give this supplement a high digestibility. Let's not forget that it is precisely proteins and amino acids that make up the plastic and cellular mass of all life forms, and that regulate important physiological functions in the life and seasonal cycle of birds.

Reproduction and moulting undoubtedly require significant protein quotas, but it is essentially the quality of the proteins themselves that makes the difference, both in reproduction and in moulting. The quality and freshness of our raw materials (for human use) ensure a decisive contribution. It is also GMO free, without synthetic preservatives and without dyes.

How to use: half a coffee spoon (2,5gr.) on a 25 gr tray. of nourishment favorably affects muscular and neurological development, ensuring rapid development of young birds.
The same half teaspoon on 25 grams of fresh food (germinated + sole + peas or cooked seeds) shortens weaning times and removes any risk of rickets and poor growth.

Pack of 250 g
€ 15,00
Availability: 1

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  • 250 gr
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p1132586-a-p-40-protein-concentrate-for-pullus 014
hobbynaturaornitologia en p1132586-a-p-40-protein-concentrate-for-pullus 015
hobbynaturaornitologia en p1132586-a-p-40-protein-concentrate-for-pullus 016
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