hobbynaturaornitologia en p1168638-anticox-anticoccidial-and-antibacterial-for-birds 0010
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p1168638-anticox-anticoccidial-and-antibacterial-for-birds 003
Unica Mangimi

ANTICOX anticoccidial and antibacterial for birds

ANTICOX anticoccidial and antibacterial for birds

Anticox is the technical and natural solution for the prevention of problems that can arise from bacteria and fungi. It prevents infections, preventing them from developing diseases through nutrition or through possible contact. Anticox must be administered continuously throughout the year to obtain healthy animals. Antiprotozoal (anticoccidial) and antibacterial for rabbits, rodents, felines, parrots and ornamental birds – Liquid -

Instructions for Use
First time: To get them used to Anticox we recommend starting with half the dosage, 0.5 ml per 1 liter of water, during the first few weeks. per 1 liter of water, during the first weeks.
Drinking bottle: add 0.05 ml per 50 ml of water. 1 litre: dilute 1 ml in 1 liter of water. In germination water: dilute 3 to 6 ml per 1 liter of germination water. The seeds are completely immersed in water for 4-8 hours. Then they are drained and re-immersed in clean water with the addition
of liquid Anticox. Leave to rest, rinse and drain again. Anticox does not reduce water quality for several days, but it is recommended to renew it daily. Shake the mixture before use.

Monoglycerides, diglycerides and triglycerides of butyric acid, triglycerides of caprylic-caprylic acid,
caprylic-caprylic, propylene glycol.
Analytical tenors
Protein 0.02%
Fibers 0.02%
Fat 0.18%
Ash 0.02%
Sodium 0.00%
Humidity 18.90%
Additives (per 1 kg)
Preservatives: Propionic acid (E 280) 35.036 mg - Ammonium propionate (E 284) 56.510 mg
Emulsifiers: Glyceryl ricinoleate (E-484) 112.120 mg
Flavors: Blend of flavors 59,470 mg
€ 15,80
Availability: 1

Available formats

  • 100 ml
Insert quantity
available birds
hobbynaturaornitologia en p1168638-anticox-anticoccidial-and-antibacterial-for-birds 014
hobbynaturaornitologia en p1168638-anticox-anticoccidial-and-antibacterial-for-birds 015
hobbynaturaornitologia en p1168638-anticox-anticoccidial-and-antibacterial-for-birds 016
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