hobbynaturaornitologia en p987555-tarassaco-extract-improves-the-immune-system-of-birds 0010
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TARASSACO (extract) improves the immune system of birds

TARASSACO (extract) improves the immune system of birds

Happy Bird Dandelion includes a high amount of active ingredients: Vitamins A, B1, B2 B3, C, E, K, alpha and beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin-beta, lutein and zeaxanthin, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc and selenium, tannins, flavonoids, caffeic and coumaric acid.

The purifying, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties of dandelion favor the elimination of waste making it a precious plant in all cases of liver failure, jaundice and gallstones. In addition to purifying the liver and kidneys, it stimulates the production and circulation of bile, activates the secretion of digestive enzymes and promotes intestinal peristalsis, freeing the intestine from sugary waste and increasing its expulsion through the urine.

Dandelion is able to reactivate the immunological function and enhance the immune response of the lymphatic system

Dosage and use: mix carefully 2 g of dandelion in 1 kg of food and administer for 5/7 days.
In water, dissolve 1.5 g of Dandelion in 1 liter of water and administer for 5/7 days, making sure to change the water every day.

Packaging: jar 100 gr
€ 18,00
Availability: 6

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  • 100 gr
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p987555-tarassaco-extract-improves-the-immune-system-of-birds 014
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