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Ferti-Vit Multivitamins to improve fertility and vitality of birds

Ferti-Vit Multivitamins to improve fertility and vitality of birds

Oropharma Ferti-Vit (Versele-Laga) is a balanced mix of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements, enriched with vitamin E. Suitable as a preparation before the breeding season, to stimulate the singing of canaries and finches, in case of troubles of deposition and fertility or in the case of non-fertile eggs. Ferti-vit promotes sexual stimulation and fertility. During the reproductive period, birds need an optimal mix of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. Vitamin E is essential (also called the fertility vitamin) and is a strong antioxidant. The combination of the ingredients within Ferti-Vit also increases disease resistance and helps protect heart and muscle tissue health.

  • For the breeding season and in case of egg-laying or fertility disorders
  • Stimulates fertility
  • Increases resistance against infections

1 level scoop (1 g) of Ferti-Vit for 250 ml of water or 100 g of Orlux food.
- During the preparation for the breeding season (3-4 weeks) until the first egg hatches: every day.
- For finches and other singing birds: three times a week during the racing season. Store in a cool, dark place.

Store in a cool, dark place.

Format 200 gr

€ 13,50
Availability: 0

Available formats

  • 200 gr
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hobbynaturaornitologia en p1049991-ferti-vit-multivitamins-to-improve-fertility-and-vitality-of-birds 014
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SHOPVia Losanna, 40 Miramare
Tel. +39 0541 648753
WhatsApp +39 351 5363457
AVIARYStreet Cagnina, 1 Riccione (RN)
Tel. +39 335/5873373
Credits TITANKA! Spa