ENTEROfitoFIX Chemifarma against salmonella
ENTEROfitoFIX is a food adjuvant in the prevention and treatment of enteric forms (salmonella, coli). Particularly suitable during the brooding phase of birds. ENTEROfitoFIX , a Chemifarma product, is a product based on essential oils and plant extracts. Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees oil, contained in ENTEROfitoFIX Solution, is well known for its antibacterial activity against Gram-negative bacteria, such as E.Coli, Salmonella SPP and Campylobacter SPP.
Composition: essential oils from Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees, essential oil from dried seeds Trachyspermum, essential oil from leaves Eugenia Caryphyllus.
Usage: 0.5/1ml per litre of drinking water. Use for cycles of 7-10 days
* on the first day administer the product at half dose and check that the animals drink.
Composition: essential oils from Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees, essential oil from dried seeds Trachyspermum, essential oil from leaves Eugenia Caryphyllus.
Usage: 0.5/1ml per litre of drinking water. Use for cycles of 7-10 days
* on the first day administer the product at half dose and check that the animals drink.
available birds