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Heart of Italy Ornithological Exhibition - Aprilia (Lazio)

Heart of Italy Ornithological Exhibition - Aprilia (Lazio)

7-8 November 2020

The Organizing Committee, having acknowledged the requisition by the ASL of the site dedicated to the exhibition, could not do anything but CANCEL the "2nd Interregional Championship" HEART of Italy ".

However, we are trying to organize an exhibition on another territory.
We will keep you informed

The Organizing Committee (8 October 2020)


Hobby Natura Ornitologia
will be present on 7 and 8 November 2020 with its stand in Cesena on the occasion of the Ornithological Exhibition - Interregional and Superspecialistic Championship "Heart of Italy" to be held in Aprilia (LT) - Fair in Campoverde Sud. Event organized by a grouping of 18 associations from Central Italy coordinated by the Roman Ornicoltori Association. We are waiting for you with specimens from our breeding and the best aviaries in Europe!

On the market show we will certainly have: Cardellini Major (various mutations) by Eddie Rimaux - Nico Smidson - Daniele Capone - Mario Vetere - Alex Valentini, Lucherini (various mutations), Cardellini tuschi, Gibber, Agi, Arricciatidelsud, Benacus, Cruises of the pine forests, Cruises from the Himalayas, Gibbosi, Organetti, Negriti from Bolivia, Cardinalini from Venzuela, and much more on advance request.

5% DISCOUNT on all breeding products with advance booking and FREE DELIVERY in CESENA: Easyyem, Blattner, Nekton, Dr. Couttel, Germix, Chemi-Vit, Unica, Sisal, and much more on our website.

On our page >> Facebook and >> Instagram the birds that you can book in advance !

Contact us for information and pre-purchase of birds and / or free delivery of products for breeding at the fair +393355873373 (Alex) -

For information and updates on the Italian Championship (also given the particular situation of the Coronavirus), Program, Entrance, etc. view the organizers' website
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hobbynaturaornitologia en heart-of-italy-ornithological-exhibition-aprilia-(lazio) 018
SHOPVia Losanna, 40 Miramare
Tel. +39 0541 648753
WhatsApp +39 351 5363457
AVIARYStreet Cagnina, 1 Riccione (RN)
Tel. +39 335/5873373
Credits TITANKA! Spa