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Shipping Products

We ship our products all over the world (not birds) according to the restrictions of each country. Shipping costs vary according to the weight/volume of the package, we invite you to place your order and we will indicate the cost for shipping to your Country if it is not indicate in following table. We suggest you to make a purchase of products using the entire weight of the range (up to 3 kg, up to 5kg, etc.), in order to optimize your overall spending of shipping. "Possibility of immediate purchase in Europe for orders up to 26kg, for larger quantities please place two orders or send an email to". For shipments to other countries of the world, a specific quotation will be sent.

Here you can see the cost of shipping according to European Country (Zona)

Shipping costs include packaging costs, handling costs, and postage. Hobby Nature Ornithology following shipment is not responsible for delays or any blockages or customs duties/charges imposed by your country (to be paid by the customers). 

Following our confirmation of the availability of the goods, and receipt of payment, the order will be processed within 24 (first working day). 

The courier will deliver from Monday to Friday, the times are different depending on the shipping method chosen as shown in the table. During the year, during holidays, shipments may suffer delays in delivery by couriers.
SHOPVia Losanna, 40 Miramare
Tel. +39 0541 648753
WhatsApp +39 351 5363457
AVIARYStreet Cagnina, 1 Riccione (RN)
Tel. +39 335/5873373
Credits TITANKA! Spa